Saturday, February 26, 2022

Portfolio Project - Representation

Teenage Representation

While in the preproduction part of my film intro something that I wanted to incorporate was the representation of a teen. No, not a coming-of-age film with sappy drama and cliche storylines but something much more mature and rich. While that may sound far-fetched one thing that separates teenagers and adults is maturity, and I want to convey that within the intro. So while the main athletic subject will be a teenager, his mind and determination form him intro a much more adolescent character, especially when relating to other characters within the film. However, there are still some aspects of childhood that I want to keep within the main subject such as the inability to ask for help and the waves of emotions that come with hormones and puberty. I want to overexaggerate his/her adult side and be more realistic with the teenage side if that makes sense. Something that I find difficult however is trying to create a character that is both relatable and cryptic at the same time. I want the audience to feel as though they have felt the same feelings that the subject has felt yet have no idea what they are going to do next or if they are going to give up.

Case Study - Dune

While there is not a lot of focus on teenage representation in this film there are definitely moments where a sense of perfection and high standards are put on the main character Paul as he in the successor to the throne. For instance, his hard work and training to lead the army in the new world. Something that is representative of his young age is his curiosity and rejection of control as he disobeys his orders and does what he feels is right. He is forced to grow much faster than he wants to which is something that will do my film a lot of justice. While there are certain things that are harder to capture one thing I want to be sure of is the emotional connection that the character has to their craft. With paul, he is connected to the kingdom both in blood and in the heart which is why he takes on the responsibility of becoming the next ruler. For my character, I would like to create a hungry and impactful connection to basketball and find a true linkage to him/her self through the sport.

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